President: Alfredo Padilla-Lopez (Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Mexico)

Vice-President: Remo Job (Trento University, Italy) 

Public Officer and Treasurer: Jacquelyn Cranney (UNSW Sydney, Australia)    Email

Secretary: Tony Machin (University of Southern Queensland, Australia)

Elected & co-opted members:

Jacqui Taylor  (Bournemouth University, UK)

Victor Karandashev (USA)

Grant Rich (USA)

Steve Charlton (Douglas College, Canada)

Julia Suleeman (Indonesia)

Enquiries: Prof. J. Cranney, School of Psychology, UNSW Australia, NSW 2052, Australia. j.cranney@unsw.edu.au


February 4, 2023 Call for submissions to the 2023 ICOPE Conference

The next ICOPE Conference will be held in Mexicali, Mexico,  Friday and Saturday, October 27-28, 2023 at Universidad Autonoma De Baja California (UABC), with the Conference President being Alfredo Padilla Lopez.

Our conference theme is “Tuning Psychology Education to Serve Humanity and Habitat”.  English and Spanish language presentation submissions are invited, and these can be congruent with the conference theme, or with a variety of topics relevant to current psychology education. An AGM will also be held at the conference.

Thanks to our co-sponsors, (a) AusPLAT, for providing a conference page at https://www.ausplat.com/icope/ and (b) the Society for Teaching of Psychology, for providing links at https://teachpsych.org/STP-at-International-Conferences

December 13, 2021 ICOPE AGM 10pm London time. Information and Agenda here.

September 17-19, 2021 ICOPE Symposium (Taylor, Job, Suleeman, Padilla-Lopez) AusPLAT 2021 Conference, Newcastle, Australia

September 2018

The Third ICOPE Annual General Meeting (2018) will be held near the APS registration desk of the Sydney International Convention Center, Sydney, Australia (in association with the Australian Psychological Society Congress) on Friday September 28th, 7:30am (Sydney Australia time). The agenda was sent on the 13th September via email.

The fourth volume of “Teaching Psychology Around The World” has now been published, and is available at Amazon and Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

November 2017

ICAP Montreal June 2018-- Call for Papers for ICOPE symposium "Innovations in Psychology Education"

We invite you to submit an abstract to be part of this ICOPE symposium proposal for ICAP.

Please see the abstract requirements on the ICAP website, and then email your abstract to  J.Cranney by November 20 (click to email).

October 2017

July 2017

The ICOPE Inc. Annual General Meeting will be held at AusPLAT 2017, in the lobby of The Metro Hotel, Ipswich, Australia at 22:00 hours on Friday September 15, 2017.

The membership of all current financial members will be extended until the end of the next ICOPE Conference.

June 2017

ICP 2016:

  • Several sessions organised by members have been accepted in the scientific program.

  • The ICOPE Inc. General Meeting will be held at ICP 2016, and an online Committee member election will be held just prior to this meeting.

April 2016


Membership Benefits Include:

  • Opportunities for INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS on research and education

  • Opportunities to PUBLISH in edited books as part of an ongoing contract with Cambridge Scholars Publishing, and in special issues of Psychology Learning and Teaching or other education journals

  • Discounted registration for conferences specifically organised by ICOPE

  • Invitations to join proposed symposium sessions at future conferences (e.g., ICP)

  • Specific communication eg through the select ICOPE Inc email listing

  • General communication eg through the broader PSYCHGLOBAL list-serve

  • Opportunities for full members to become an ICOPE Inc. Committee member, and to contribute to conference/symposium organisation and publication editing

  • Other benefits as may be sourced/determined by the Committee.


Current Membership Costs

Note that the membership year runs from July 1 to June 30. In any one membership year, memberships paid after April 30 will cover the following year as well.

Approved* new members:

1 year = 30 Australian Dollars

2 years = 50 Australian Dollars

3 years = 70 Australian Dollars

*Please see section below regarding how to apply for membership. Please do not pay any money until your membership has been approved. ICOPE Inc. cannot guarantee refunds of incorrectly paid membership fees.


Renewing members:

1 year = 20 Australian Dollars

2 years = 40 Australian Dollars

3 years = 60 Australian Dollars

For current members, ICOPE Inc will inform you if your membership is to expire on June 30. You can renew your memberships for 1, 2 or 3 years. If you are uncertain about the status of your membership, please ask by emailing intcouncilpsycheducators@gmail.com

To renew your membership, please visit our payment portal.  Please take care that you your PayPal name corresponds to your membership name, so that we can identify you. Please take care as you pay, as ICOPE Inc. cannot guarantee refunds of incorrectly paid membership fees.]


Applications for Membership

*Note that if you do not know any ICOPE Inc. members, you can email an ICOPE Inc. committee member and ask them to nominate you.

Classes of membership [see Constitution (2)(i)]:

The classes of membership are full membership and student affiliate membership.

Full members are current or previous teachers of psychology at any higher educational provider who (a) hold or are eligible to hold full membership in a national psychological or educational association, or (b) have been actively engaged for a period of not less than two years in professional work or study that is primarily psychological in nature. 

Student Affiliate Members are students actively working toward a degree or certificate in psychology, or in an area of study involving major emphasis on psychological aspects of a related field of study, who are currently teaching or plan to teach. Student affiliate members are not full members and so are not eligible to be office bearers. This does not preclude student affiliate members from being invited to attend meetings or to participate in events.

To apply for membership, please send an email to intcouncilpsycheducators@gmail.com, COPYING IN YOUR (one) ICOPE MEMBER NOMINATOR, using “ICOPE Inc Membership Application” in the subject line, and with the following script:

“Dear ICOPE Inc Secretary,

I, [Your Name], of [address, including email and phone], hereby apply to become a [full or student affiliate] member of the International Council of Psychology Educators Incorporated (ICOPE Inc). In the event of my admission as a member, I agree to be bound by the Constitution, By-Laws, Procedures and Guidelines of the International Council of Psychology Educators for the time being in force.

The following ICOPE* Inc full member will email their supporting nomination to you:

[Member Name].

In their email, they will specifically state: “I, [Member Name], wish to nominate [your name] for [full or student affiliate—choose one] membership of the International Council of Psychology Educators.”.

I offer you the following evidence** to support my application:



Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]”

*Note that if you do not know any ICOPE Inc. members, you can email an ICOPE Inc. committee member and ask them to nominate you.

**The evidence should be in English, and could be a curriculum vitae/resume. The following kind of information may aid the Committee's decision:

  • Membership of a national professional psychological or educational association.

  • Relevant publications or conference contributions, preferably accessible in public domain.

Note that a minimum of two Committee members will assess your application in the first place, and one or both of these members may choose to second your nomination for membership.