Resources for learning and teaching
“Some argue that the aims of psychology are to describe, explain, predict and control human behaviour. Others argue that the aim of education is to change human behavior. Psychology educators, then, should be experts not only in the measurement of the behavioural (learning) outcomes of education, but also in shaping the environment in a way that increases the possibility that behaviour change (the result of learning) occurs. Indeed, we argue that psychology educators should aim to apply their psychological literacy, which Cranney and Dunn (2011) define as the adaptive use of psychological knowledge, to the domain of the university classroom in order to increase the opportunities for students to acquire psychological literacy” (Cranney et al., 2013).
Psychological Literacy Compendia: Original (2015) and International (2018) Editions
Taylor & Hulme’s Psychological Literacy Compendia of Case Studies provides examples of psychological literacy gathered from academics from around the world. The case studies are presented in alphabetical order and provide a snapshot of good practice and hopefully will provide ideas for academics wishing to introduce psychological literacy into their curricula.
Click here to download the 2015 compendium
Click here to download the 2018 compendium
Other PL Resources for Education Leaders
Darlaston-Jones, D. (2023, April). Positionality, cultural responsiveness, and cultural safety. Video (in conversation with J.Cranney).
Hulme, J. (2023, April). Psychological literacy in the UK: Outcomes and pedagogy. (Video)
Machin, T., Machin, T., Jeffries, C. & Hoare, N. (Eds.) (2022), The Australian handbook for careers in psychological science. University of Southern Queensland.
Mair, C., Taylor, J., & Hulme, J. (2013). An introductory guide to psychological literacy and psychologically literate citizenship. Retrieved from
Watt, R. (2013). Developing the psychologically literate citizen at the University of Stirling. Retrieved from
Reddy, P., Lantz, C. & Hulme, J.A. (2013). Employability in psychology: A guide for departments. York: Higher Education Academy. Retrieved from:
Email if you would like to contribute resources.
You also will find specific resources in the Publications.
Below are several excellent websites with psychology learning and teaching resources, which of course, are all relevant to psychological literacy:
APS Psychology Education Resources
UK Higher Education Academy Psychology Network (archived)
UK Higher Education Academy: Psychology (current)
Association for Psychological Science
Diane Halpern’s Critical Thinking Website, including Keith Millis’s channelling of an alien’s views of scientific thinking.